There is no difference between buying logs and RuneScape gold yew shorts(u) to boost the amount you earn. You could earn more depending on what price you buy the yew shorts(u). However, this takes longer because of the string X option. This means that you'll make more than twice the amount from yew logs.
Do you think I should do Maple Longbow(u) up until I am able to make yew longbow(u) before just selling them? Are you suggesting that I string the Yew longbow (u) and then turn them into a saleable product? Or should I just sell the Yew longbow(u).
Take a listen to what Cheezy had to say about magic experiences if you don't really care about them. I was only 81, but that is mainly due to my lack of interest in the game in the last few months. One of my buddies was, ironically enough, an active member after I had already acheived 70 fletching, and he beat me to 99 fletching. Since he was skilled in runecrafting, he bought essense and began to craft nature runs. He did the same thing like me.
Although it's not the most efficient, it can enable us to be self-sufficient and allow us to maximize our profits while being efficient. Sometimes, we even extracted our own essense. It was slow, but the cash was huge, and occasionally distracted him (definitely was distracting us at times, lol). You can make the most of everything if you're looking for profits. However, if you are trying to break even or even spend a little, buy some of the materials, but calculate carefully to make sure you are making a profit, as you don't want to end up in the negative after you are done.
You are correct! Icup1121 can assist you with quests at no cost, except for your own expenses on any freeplayquests. Why? to enjoy myself. You can meet me in game to check out my rune plates. icup1121 ingame. Mon-Fri, 4-5 PM GMT-5 (est). Or how can I get Silverlight to cheap RS gold use the Demon Slayer to kill Delrith?